Sunday, July 27, 2008

the MotherShip...

okay, folks... i bet most of us already know about this excellent website. i consider it the MotherShip of comprehensive limb difference support, discussion, information and links. it has a new look but still provides the connections and help that it's designed to provide.

very early on (before our daughter was born) a friend pointed us toward and the first time i was on it i stayed up til about 2am reading and navigating the threads (which is saying something because at the time our son was getting up at about 5:15, he's still a bit of a farmer). i felt surrounded by parents who were encouraging and helpful. it seemed that people were honest about their struggles and got good tips and ideas.

if you've never checked out or you haven't visited for a while take a minute and check it out...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

the beginning

the Child must know that he or she is a miracle,
that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the
end of the world there will not be, another child like him or her.

-Pablo Casals

welcome to WonderWowee! this blog has been created for parents of children with limb differences. i hope it will be a place of truth and encouragement.

my husband and i have been blessed with two children. our son was born in 2003 and he's our big, creative red-head. our daughter was born in 2005 also big (9lb.2oz.) and beautiful with a partial limb LBE (left below elbow). i want to use this bit of matrix to tell about our discoveries, joys and pains as we navigate life with a limb difference. i'm sure you have similar stories and all of these words can speak to others, especially families who may have just found out their baby has a limb difference. this new information can leave parents disoriented. i specifically hope that this blog and it's stories and links (as we add more and more) will give families joy and insight.